Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Care Of The Older Adult Questions Essay Example for Free

Care Of The Older Adult Questions Essay a. Define Baby Boomers-(those born from 1946–1964) reach retirement age (as of 2011). They will make up the world’s largest part of society. In addition, the boomers will be the largest cohort of retirees ever. Also, the boomers may become the most-engaged cohort of older adults. The boomers will be the healthiest cohort of older adults. The boomers will be the best-educated cohort of older adults. First, the boomers will be the longest-lived cohort of older adults. b. List some of the age related changes that can affect communications-vision loss, hearing loss. Physical processes include listening, speaking, gesturing, reading, writing, touching, and moving. The psychological aspects involve cognitive processes such as attention, memory, self-awareness, organization, and reasoning. Vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste, movement, speech, c. Define AAC and the patients that would benefit from it. System is â€Å"an integrated group of components, including symbols, aids, strategies and techniques used by individuals to enhance communication†. Patients who have the ability to effectively use a prescribed communication system. d. What is the most commonly used hearing aid? Behind the ear hearing-aide e. Which hearing aid covers the entire range of hearing loss? Behind the ear hearing-aide f. What are the two major types of assistive devices used to improve hearing? Assistive listening devices and hearing aids. g. What are the four major types of assistive listening devices? Personal frequency modulation systems, infrared systems, induction loop systems, and one-to-one communicators. BTE (behind the ear) BTEs are about 1 inch long and worn behind the outer ear. A small tube connects with the amplification device behind the ear and delivers amplified sound into the ear canal. The device has an adjustable volume control and is battery powered. It is the most common style of hearing aid. These devices are suitable for the entire range of hearing loss. OTE (over the ear) This is a new style that is very small and sits on top of the outer ear. ITE (in the ear)  ITEs are custom-fitted devices molded to the contour of the outer ear. The device has an adjustable volume control and a battery; however, both are much smaller than ones used in a BTE device. Some users have difficulty  seeing or manipulating the control and battery. These devices are used for mild to moderate hearing loss. ITC (in the canal) ITCs are tiny devices that fit into the ear canal and are barely visible. They are customized to fit the size and shape of the ear canal. Although cosmetically appealing, their small size is a drawback for some individuals. CIC (completely in the canal) CICs are the smallest type of device in the in the ear class. The entire device fits within the canal. Although cosmetically flattering, the small size is a true disadvantage because of difficulty handling and positioning the device. This device is the most expensive model of hearing aid. Understand what can cause difficulties with communications-Physiological changes associated with aging or secondary to chronic illness and disease can pose a barrier to communication. Common physiological changes associated with aging that interfere with communication include high-frequency hearing loss, loss of dentition, reduced vital capacity, and reduced oral motor function. Chapter 6 provides more detailed information about these changes. Understand the environment that facilitates therapeutic communication-inviting (An invitation says to the other person that you are interested in them and sharing time with them.) Arranging the environment (The environment should be comfortable, provide privacy, and minimize distractions that could be barriers to communication, such as noise or poor lighting.) Maximize communication (The third principle is to use communication strategies that maximize the individual’s ability to understand the message. Communication is critical in health care, yet many consumers have difficulty understanding the language of health care due to language barriers, illiteracy, or limited literacy.) Maximize understanding (The next principle is to maximize understanding. The most important skill to help maximize understanding is to learn to listen. Learning to listen is essential to good communications. It is much easier to hear than it is to listen. Listening requires not only hearing the words spoken, but also understanding their meaning and the context in which they are spoken.) Following through (The final principle is to follow up and follow through.  Words backed by actions help develop trust. A relationship built on trust and concern for the welfare of others is critical to optimal health outcomes. These simple techniques can be applied to all of our communications.) What are the five As to tobacco cessation: The 5 As Ask about smoking status at each health care visit. Advise client to quit smoking. Assess client’s willingness to quit smoking at this time. Assist client to quit using counseling and pharmacotherapy. Arrange for follow-up within one week of scheduled quit date. What are the five Rs to tobacco cessation: The 5 Rs Relevance: Ask the client to think about why quitting may be personally relevant for him or her. Risks of smoking are identified by the client. Rewards of quitting are identified by the client. Roadblocks or barriers to quitting are identified by the client. Repetition of this process at every clinic visit. Most people who successfully quit smoking require multiple attempts. What is the criterion for the pneumococcal vaccine: Older adults, especially those with chronic illnesses or who live in nursing homes, are susceptible to pneumococcal pneumonia, which results in death in over one-third of clients over 65 years of age who acquire the disease. The emergence of drug-resistant strains of pneumococcal pneumonia underscores the importance of acquired immunization against the illness. Pneumococcal vaccine is given once for clients who are 65 years of age or older. In most cases of elder abuse who is the perpetrator: a family member In any situation where you suspect abuse, what is the first step: 1) report abuse and neglect to adult protective services or other state-mandated agencies; 2) ensure that there is a safety plan and assess safety; 3) assess the client’s cognitive, emotional, functional, and health status; and 4) assess the frequency, severity, and intent of abuse.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Sojourn to Singapore Essay -- Personal Narrative Essays

Sojourn to Singapore "Eat the it!" Although a jumbled cacophony of encouraging voices seemed to levitate the humid night air, all hesitancy was not dispersed as I carefully probed the pulpy tropical fruit with an expectant tongue. Proudly, (and much to the glee of my Asian companions who enjoyed the various facial contortions), I swallowed the remainder, washed down with three full bottles of water. Before the initial incision into the durian, I was engulfed by the painfully distinctive odor that only three days and half a bottle of Listerine could remedy. With my experiences in Singapore as a United States representative to the Asian-Pacific Youth Science Festival, however, I also was engulfed by the myriad of Asian cultures, whose unique facets of language, tradition, and daily life broadened my spectrum of global understanding. All delegates from each of the fourteen economies were combined into groups and assigned a topic of concern facing the scientific community-diseases, genetic engineering, globalization, and global warming. Although my fellow group members resided in China, Indonesia, South Korea, Singapore, and Malaysia, we all share... ...and possibly the world. We composed papers, visually presented our conclusions, and became brothers and sisters in striving to accomplish our task. Of course, our interaction provided inestimable amounts of enjoyment for everyone-the Asian delegates were thrilled by my 'American humor.' On the final night, Group 24 assembled under a shelter and everyone exchanged teary-eyed good-byes with low voices. Little did I expect the torrent of ice and freezing water that crashed over my head and shoulders merely seconds later, wrecking the silent awkwardness. We laughed, and then we were friends again.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Great Gatsby Review Paper

Great Gatsby Review————————————————- CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORSHIP COMP 1500: College Writing Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences Division of Humanities Submitted by: Assignment Number: 1 Assignment Title: The Great Gatsby Review Date: March 16, 2013 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORSHIP: I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and disclosed in the paper. I have also cited any sources from which I used data, ideas, or words, either quoted directly or paraphrased.I also certify that this paper was prepared by me specifically for this course. Student’s Signature: The Great Gatsby I’m known to be a very picky reader. I judge titles, the size of font, and the cover illustration. With all this in mind, I thought I would hate the Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. On the contrary, this book was a p age turner, and I constantly found myself at the edge of my seat biting my nails in anticipation. The descriptions in this book helps you imagine and greet the characters so vividly.Fitzgerald shows  an excellent understanding of lives that contain the great American Dream of being a millionaire and being happily married, yet are corrupted by greed. The more you read into the novel, the more you get pulled into a twisted love story. In the beginning of the novel, I was a little lost. I couldn’t understand who goes to an extravagant mansion party without knowing who the host is, or why nobody tried to find out. Luckily, our narrator, Nick, goes searching for this host.A drunken man wearing owl glasses stumbles upon Nick and begins observing the novels on the large bookcase. To his surprise, all the novels are real and not a facade to make the host look intelligent. When I discussed this with my teacher, she said this may be a foreshadowing that resident of this wealthy commu nity use wealth to cover up their wrongdoings and moral decay. What is the host, Gatsby, hiding if he wasn’t getting credit for any of his parties? This mystery pulled me into the book and that’s when I began to love it.We soon meet the rich and romantic Gatsby and who seems like he has his whole life together. He’s well respected for being in the army, rich and handsome. Despite all the magic, it’s a cruel facade. Behind the glitter lies a sad story with gloom and intensity. The Great Gatsby shows his desire into harsh, vivid light. He is a character who is so perfectly and tragically characterized, as he forgot his honest past as Jay Gatsby, and lost Daisy, his true love, who perfectly plays her part as innocent malevolence.If that’s not enough, Gatsby must also compete with Tom, Daisy’s husband, who slyly watches while he boasts of his physique and wealth. The two struggle to play their position in this twisted love triangle, which harms countless victims. Among the disorder, seems to be the only one with true knowledge of what is right, but doesn’t stop the chaos. The relationship is a massacre where no one truly wins. All in all, The Great Gatsby is about deception and the American Dream.Fitzgerald blurs our view with reality of the harsh world, yet slyly lets us see clearly enough to see Nick’s view on the chaos. Because Gatsby represents the truth of the American Dream, Fitzgerald shows that it will only lead to the decay of innocence and trouble, as Gatsby did during his transition from an honest, to corrupt man. Fitzgerald delicately handles this complex scheme in a way I have never seen replicated in authors today. I enjoy the book because once you think you know what’s going to happen, Fitzgerald slyly flips the script perfectly.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

A Classic Essay by Richard Steele Recollections

Born in Dublin, Richard Steele is best known as the founding editor of the Tatler and—with his friend —Spectator. Steele wrote popular essays (often addressed From my own Apartment) for both periodicals.  The Tatler was a British literary and society paper which was published for two years. Steele was attempting a new approach to journalism which was more focused on the essay. The periodical was released three times a week, its name came from its habit of publishing things overheard in the high society coffee houses in London. Although, Steele did have a habit of inventing stories as well as printing real gossip.    Though less highly regarded than Addison as an essayist, Steele has been described as more human and at his best a greater writer. In the following essay, he reflects on the pleasure of remembering the lives of friends and family members who have died. Recollections from the Tatler, Number 181, June 6, 1710 by Richard Steele There are those among mankind, who can enjoy no relish of their being, except the world, is made acquainted with all that relates to them, and think every thing lost that passes unobserved; but others find a solid delight in stealing by the crowd, and modelling their life after such a manner, as is as much above the approbation as the practice of the vulgar. Life being too short to give instances great enough of true friendship or good will, some sages have thought it pious to preserve a certain reverence for the names of their deceased friends; and have withdrawn themselves from the rest of the world at certain seasons, to commemorate in their own thoughts such of their acquaintance who have gone before them out of this life. And indeed, when we are advanced in years, there is not a more pleasing entertainment, than to recollect in a gloomy moment the many we have parted with that have been dear and agreeable to us, and to cast a melancholy thought or two after those with whom, perh aps, we have indulged ourselves in whole nights of mirth and jollity. With such inclinations in my heart I went to my closet yesterday in the evening, and resolved to be sorrowful; upon which occasion I could not but look with disdain upon myself, that though all the reasons which I had to lament the loss of many of my friends are now as forcible as at the moment of their departure, yet did not my heart swell with the same sorrow which I felt at the time; but I could, without tears, reflect upon many pleasing adventures I have had with some, who have long been blended with common earth. Though it is by the benefit of nature, that length of time thus blots out the violence of afflictions; yet, with tempers too much given to pleasure, it is almost necessary to revive the old places of grief in our memory; and ponder step by step on past life, to lead the mind into that sobriety of thought which poises the heart, and makes it beat with due time, without being quickened with desire, or retarded with despair, from its proper and equal motion. When we wind up a clock that is out of order, to make it go well for the future, we do not immediately set the hand to the present instant, but we make it strike the round of all its hours, before it can recover the regularity of its time. Such, thought I, shall be my method this evening; and since it is that day of the year which I dedicate to the memory of such in another life as I much delighted in when living, an hour or two shall be sacred to sorrow and their memory, while I run over all the melancholy circumstances of this kind which have occurred to me in my whole life. The first sense of sorrow I ever knew was upon the death of my father, at which time I was not quite five years of age; but was rather amazed at what all the house meant, than possessed with a real understanding why nobody was willing to play with me. I remember I went into the room where his body lay, and my mother sat weeping alone by it. I had my battledore in my hand, and fell a-beating the coffin, and calling Papa; for, I know not how, I had some slight idea that he was locked up there. My mother caught me in her arms, and, transported beyond all patience of the silent grief she was before in, she almost smothered me in her embraces; and told me in a flood of tears, Papa could not hear me, and would play with me no more, for they were going to put him under ground, whence he could never come to us again. She was a very beautiful woman, of a noble spirit, and there was a dignity in her grief amidst all the wildness of her transport, which, methought, struck me with an instinct of sorrow, that, before I was sensible of what it was to grieve, seized my very soul, and has made pity the weakness of my heart ever since. The mind in infancy is, methinks, like the body in embryo; and receives impressions so forcible, that they are as hard to be removed by reason, as any mark with which a child is born is to be taken away by any future application. Hence it is, that good-nature in me is no merit; but having been so frequently overwhelmed with her tears before I knew the cause of any affliction, or could draw defences from my own judgement, I imbibed commiseration, remorse, and an unmanly gentleness of mind, which has since ensnared me into ten thousand calamities; from whence I can reap no advantage, except it be, that, in such a humour as I am now in, I can the better indulge myself in the softnesses of humanity, and enjoy that sweet anxiety which arises from the memory of past afflictions. We that are very old are better able to remember things which befell us in our distant youth, than the passages of later days. For this reason it is that the companions of my strong and vigorous years present themselves more immediately to me in this office of sorrow. Untimely and unhappy deaths are what we are most apt to lament; so little are we able to make it indifferent when a thing happens, though we know it must happen. Thus we groan under life, and bewail those who are relieved from it. Every object that returns to our imagination raises different passions, according to the circumstance of their departure. Who can have lived in an army, and in a serious hour reflect upon the many gay and agreeable men that might long have flourished in the arts of peace, and not join with the imprecations of the fatherless and widows on the tyrant to whose ambition they fell sacrifices? But gallant men, who are cut off by the sword, move rather our veneration than our pity; and we gather reli ef enough from their own contempt of death, to make that no evil, which was approached with so much cheerfulness, and attended with so much honor. But when we turn our thoughts from the great parts of life on such occasions, and, instead of lamenting those who stood ready to give death to those from whom they had the fortune to receive it; I say, when we let our thoughts wander from such noble objects, and consider the havoc which is made among the tender and the innocent, pity enters with an unmixed softness, and possesses all our souls at once. Here (were there words to express such sentiments with proper tenderness) I should record the beauty, innocence, and untimely death, of the first object my eyes ever beheld with love. The beauteous virgin! how ignorantly did she charm, how carelessly excel! Oh death! thou hast right to the bold, to the ambitious, to the high, and to the haughty; but why this cruelty to the humble, to the meek, to the undiscerning, to the thoughtless? Nor age, nor business, nor distress, can erase the dear image from my imagination. In the same week I saw her dressed for a ball, and in a shroud. How ill did the habit of death become the pretty trifler! I still behold the smiling earth--A large train of disasters were coming on to my memory, when my servant knocked at my closet door, and interrupted me with a letter, attended with a hamper of wine, of the same sort with that which is to be put to sale on Thursday next, at Garraways coffee-house. Upon the receipt of it, I sent for three of my friends. W e are so intimate, that we can be company in whatever state of mind we meet, and can entertain each other without expecting always to rejoice. The wine we found to be generous and warming, but with such a heat as moved us rather to be cheerful than frolicsome. It revived the spirits, without firing the blood. We commended it until two of the clock this morning; and having to-day met a little before dinner, we found, that though we drank two bottles a man, we had much more reason to recollect than forget what had passed the night before.