Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Minimising Agency And Consumer Risk †

Question: Discuss about the Minimising Agency And Consumer Risk. Answer: The essay suggests that people and agency are the main factors that need to be considered. The first paragraph explains the methods by which the manager can ensure the code of conducts rules and policies are communicated to the staff (Zeynep and Toker 2012). Further, there is also explanation of handling training of new staff and customers by the new stuff. As an agency manager there is some responsibility, which are required to ensure that the set of codes that are required for the stuff to abide by are effectively communicated to them. This includes making them aware of the rules and responsibilities. This is to ensure that the stuff does their responsibility while performing the work allocated to them. This also reduces the risk of mistakes, while minimising the consumer risk (Kumar 2012). When doing orientation of new employees this should be communicated to them (Australian Public Service Commission 2012). Moreover, the training period in the initial stages of the work process is to ensure that the new stuff understands the requirements, responsibilities, and the expectations that are needed to be abide by. Other ways to ensure the awareness is one to one training, employees handbooks, notice board (Vardaman, Gondo and Allen 2014). Making them understand the code can be a challenge but, while providing training, for example physica lly showing them particular smoking area, pointing out the websites that are not of use. Making them accept the code and getting feed backs in form of written documents can also be part of the process. Online feedback forms are also there to get to know their understanding level. Making all the stuff come under one roof physically or online by having the Enterprise Resource planning systems. This process ensures the strategic advantages given by the human resource and their skills. Critical aspects of assessment are needed to be act upon on periodical basis. The minimising agency and consumer risk is also making sure that you get the right consumer. For that, one needs to ensure that one asks the right questions to the customer. First having a good structure of questionnaires to ask the people is needed. Then it is needed to ensure that the people at the front end are stress free as they are at the front level function to interact. The training to handle the customer in need is crucial for the company (Leipziger 2015). The customers are the vulnerable factor of organisations and that is need to make sure that they are guided to the right path, because if they do not get the right answers they might turn to your competitors. The competency of the strategy is ensured in this stage (Choudhury and Harrigan 2014). The new stuff needs to be trained well. In addition, there must be some standardisation of the codes and policies to ensure the quality assurance. Intervening the when the problems are needed to be addressed is not enough(Goddard 20 12). The main idea is to act upon the incidental problems thoroughly. The best idea for the new staff is to giving them on job training or vestibule training to make them involve in the worst or best case scenario. The right question is only asked when the analysis of the problem is right to the point (Wang and Feng 2012). This can only be ensured by the competence of managerial decision-making. It is said that if your employees were not happy, your customers would not be happy. Therefore, it is important for the manager to ensure the employees are happy, productive, efficient and competent in their work while they handle the consumer. References Australian Public Service Commission, 2012. Tackling wicked problems: A public policy perspective. Choudhury, M.M. and Harrigan, P., 2014. CRM to social CRM: the integration of new technologies into customer relationship management.Journal of Strategic Marketing,22(2), pp.149-176. Goddard, M.G.J., Raab, G., Ajami, R.A. and Gargeya, V.B., 2012.Customer relationship management: A global perspective. Gower Publishing, Ltd.. Kumar, V. and Reinartz, W., 2012.Customer relationship management: Concept, strategy, and tools. Springer Science Business Media. Leipziger, D., 2015.The corporate responsibility code book. Greenleaf Publishing. Vardaman, J.M., Gondo, M.B. and Allen, D.G., 2014. Ethical climate and pro-social rule breaking in the workplace.Human Resource Management Review,24(1), pp.108-118. Wang, Y. and Feng, H., 2012. Customer relationship management capabilities: Measurement, antecedents and consequences.Management Decision,50(1), pp.115-129. Zeynep Ata, U. and Toker, A., 2012. The effect of customer relationship management adoption in business-to-business markets.Journal of Business Industrial Marketing,27(6), pp.497-507.

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